On Archer you’ll discover an experience where you can seek boldly and aim freely, where you can find whoever, or whatever, you’re looking for. We’re committed to fostering a community that celebrates diversity and positivity in a safe environment. You deserve it, and you play an important role in making it happen.
Our Community Guidelines outline the principles we stand for—that all people should be treated with respect and kindness, and consent is key. Consent is affirmative, voluntary, ongoing, mutual, reversible, and informed, and is an important way to show respect for others’ boundaries (see Archer’s Consent Guide for more on consent). These Community Guidelines apply to all content and activity on Archer, as well as all interactions within the Archer community (including those IRL), from people you interact with on the Archer app to our customer support team. Violation of these guidelines may lead to temporary or permanent removal of your content and account or a permanent ban from Archer. Harassment, hate, discrimination, unsolicited sexual advances, or any other violation of Archer’s Community Guidelines are not allowed and can be reported here.
Whether you choose to report or not, support is available. If you have experienced any harm on Archer, please see here for more information about resources.
Together let’s create a space for authentic connections where everyone can be bold, and unapologetically themselves.
In this article:
Consider your day-to-day interactions with others. If you wouldn't say something to someone you met in person, or if you wouldn’t want someone to say it to you, you shouldn't say it on Archer or to any Archer user. We consider repeated messages to other users who have expressed a desire to be left alone harassment. People found sending harassing messages will be banned.
From dating to fun to finding the one, Archer is where it can all happen. Be honest in your profile about what you’re looking for, but focus on the type of person you’re looking for versus the type you’re not. There is no need to disparage others. Profiles with hateful or overly combative language may be removed or banned.
Sexual Harassment
Archer supports a sex-positive and body-positive environment where consent is key. There’s a time and a place for (almost) everything. Describe your desires in your profile, but avoid being unnecessarily sexual and do not in any way demean or degrade others.
Before you have conversations about specific sexual acts, kinks, and fetishes, you must have consent. For more information on consent see our Consent Guide.
Be sure to get consent before sharing any content in messages or Private Albums; we will attempt to blur any potential nudity in messages and the recipient may choose whether or not to unblur them.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards hate or violence of any kind. Any profile or message content that promotes or condones racism, bigotry, violence, hate, dehumanization, or harm against individuals or groups based on things like race, ethnicity, disability, age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or religion is strictly prohibited and may result in a permanent ban. This includes, but is not limited, to:
- Symbols of hate groups
- Racist or offensive memes
- Hateful slurs, offensive statements, or references to being a member of a hate group.
- Any means or reference to support of a hate group or their ideals.
- Reporting other users solely due to race, gender identity, disability, etc.
Archer embraces an inclusive community where all identities are celebrated. We expect all users on the app to treat one another with respect. Transphobic hate will not be tolerated. If you encounter transphobic or any other hate-related harassment on Archer, please report it to our moderators.
Violent or Graphic Content
We do not allow any content in photos, profiles, or messages that are threatening, incite violence, or contain graphic or gratuitous violence or gore. This includes depictions of self-harm, as well as promotion of self-harm or suicide. This content will be removed and may also result in the permanent ban of your profile. If you encounter a profile with violent or graphic content, or someone who is in crisis, please report it to our moderators. If you are in crisis, please reach out the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
Minors/Under 18
You must be 18 or older to use Archer. We do not allow minors to use Archer or be featured in photos on Archer. If you suspect a profile was made by someone under 18, or if you see someone you suspect of being under 18 in any user photos, please report them.
If we find a user is knowingly engaged in conversation with someone under 18, we will ban that user and may be required to report them to the appropriate authorities.
Furthermore, we do not tolerate any kind of discussion or depiction of underage sex, including fetishes or incest fantasies.
Solicitation and Trafficking
Using Archer for commercial, sexual, or financial solicitation is prohibited. Do not share your own financial information (PayPal, Onlyfans, Venmo, Amazon wishlist, etc) with other users, and do not attempt to gain access to another user's financial information.
We do not allow references to or using Archer for sugar daddy/baby dating, asking for gifts, or insinuating/offering a “pay for play” relationship. Likewise, we do not allow offers of money for sex. This all falls under the solicitation of money and goods, and is not allowed.
Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or other non-consensual sexual acts is strictly prohibited. To help prevent trafficking and exploitation, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards solicitation. Users found offering or accepting solicitations will be banned.
Do not send messages or create accounts for the purpose of driving members to a business or external site. This includes recruiting people for a hobby, political group, or charity if it's not for dating purposes. Adding a link to an external site that redirects to a pay-site is not a clever way of skirting our solicitation rules, we will spot it.
Illegal Behavior
Discussion or promotion of anything illegal is not allowed and will get you banned. This includes sextortion and blackmail, revenge porn, drug dealing, counterfeits, fraud, threats, or anything else against the law, including infringement of others’ intellectual property.
Offsite Behavior
The safety of our users is our utmost priority. Anyone who participates in unlawful and inappropriate behavior offline will have their Archer profile banned. Please report any instances of offsite abuse, sexual or physical assault, harassment, stalking, theft, or anything else illegal or unsafe.
If you choose to reach out to law enforcement, we will cooperate with them as needed.
Fake Accounts
Archer is an app for celebrating your authentic self. We require your Avatar photo to show your face, and we do not tolerate any kind of fake or joint accounts. Your profile must be of you and the information presented in your account must be accurate. Your account must be unique, users are prohibited from maintaining more than one Archer account at a time. Creating parody, meme, impersonation, and/or catfishing accounts is not allowed.
Private Information
Keep your private information, and that of others, private. Just because someone may share how they identify (gender, orientation, name, etc) on the app, it doesn’t mean they feel comfortable or want that information shared elsewhere. Publicly sharing any sensitive or confidential identifiable information about others will not be tolerated. Violations of other people’s privacy, including sharing their health information, will result in a ban. Please see this FAQ for more information on best practices as it pertains to sharing contact information.
Photo Rules
The following content is not allowed anywhere on Archer
- Hateful, illegal, or violent imagery
- Extreme or obscene nudity, commercial pornography, or depictions of sex acts
- Photos of, or including, children, regardless of whose children they are. This includes photos of yourself as a child.
- Images posted without permission, or that violate others’ rights.
- Photos with contact information in them
A more detailed list of photo rules can be found here.
Please help keep the Archer community safe by reporting anything or anyone that does not follow these Community Guidelines.
Please see this FAQ on "How to Report" for more information.
A Note on False Reporting
In some cases, we will ban an account if we’ve found it to be intentionally creating false reports against other users. This includes flagging and reporting trans, nonbinary, or gender-nonconforming users for no reason other than their gender or orientation, as well as reporting users simply for their race, ethnicity, disability, nationality, or religion. Creating false reports of bad behavior is also not tolerated.
A Final Note
While our Community Guidelines cover most instances of moderator action, it is not an exhaustive list. We retain the right to ban anyone from Archer that we have determined is in violation of our Terms of Use and these Community Guidelines.
Archer promotes a new dating standard for friends, fun, and finding the one. Thank you for helping keep the Archer community a safe and welcoming place.